Sunday, August 9, 2009


I was asked at church today what I would like people to pray for during our adoption trip. My response was quick as it is something that has been heavy upon my heart. I ask that our son will be filled with peace when he meets us.

Later as I was playing restaurant with the girls, Hannah handed me a Max Lucado devotional to use as a menu. In my pretend menu, I turned to today's special/devotion and found Isaiah 54:13 "All your children will be taught by the Lord, and they will have much PEACE!" How awesome is the Lord? What a God Wink!



  1. So excited to see that you have a blog! We will be following you and praying for you as you go to China. We hope to follow you next month. Can't wait to see pictures of you holding your son!
    -Amybeth Skinner (CWA family)

  2. Hi Melissa !!!
    If i understand well you are going to adopt a young boy. That is great, I will be thinking about you. I will meditate too for him and all of you to be in peace. I am very attracted by adoption too, so I'll be always interested to know more about you and the boy. What's his name ?
    Warmest regards to you , Chris and all the babies...

  3. God is awesome!! I just love when He brings peace and gives answers when you least expect them!!

  4. Praying for all the final details to be taken care of this week - and praying for your new son!

  5. Thinking about you so much this week - and getting so very excited for you!! Have a wonderful trip, we will be praying for you all! Get ready for the experience of a lifetime! Love, Melissa and Chris

  6. Will pray along with you for His peace to be on your son.
